Cloud-Based Intrusion Prevention vs Traditional Intrusion Prevention Systems

October 31, 2022

Cloud-Based Intrusion Prevention vs Traditional Intrusion Prevention Systems

When it comes to online security, there are a lot of options out there. One of the most important decisions you'll make is which type of intrusion prevention system (IPS) to use. In this blog post, we'll compare cloud-based IPS with traditional IPS to help you make an informed decision.

What is Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)?

An IPS is a security technology that monitors network traffic and blocks any malicious activity that it detects. IPS technology is used in both cloud-based and traditional systems.

Traditional Intrusion Prevention Systems

Traditional IPS are installed on-premises or at the edge of your network to monitor and block malicious traffic. These systems require hardware and software installation, and the setup process can be complicated, requiring multiple configurations.

Software updates and upgrades are required regularly, which means you'd need an experienced team to ensure that the IPS is always up to date. Traditional IPS is often limited in its scope since it's limited to the infrastructure of the organization.

Cloud-Based Intrusion Prevention

Cloud-based intrusion prevention systems rely on a vendor's infrastructure to monitor network traffic and block malicious activity. These systems are generally easier to set up than on-premises solutions since most of the configuration is done by the vendor.

Cloud-based IPS often includes advanced features, such as machine learning algorithms and threat intelligence feeds, that help identify and mitigate new threats quickly. Since cloud-based IPS run on a vendor's infrastructure, it can scale easily to handle more traffic as an organization grows.

Comparison between Cloud-Based IPS and Traditional IPS

To help you make an informed decision, we have compared the cloud-based IPS and traditional IPS based on some important parameters.


Traditional IPS usually involves hardware and software installation, and the process can be complicated, requiring multiple configurations, which will impact the cost. Cloud-based IPS does not require hardware installation, making it more affordable, as the vendor's infrastructure is used.


Traditional IPS requires a team of experts for software updates and upgrades, which will increase the maintenance costs. With cloud-based IPS, the vendor usually takes care of updates and upgrades, making maintenance more straightforward and cost-effective.


Traditional IPS are limited to the infrastructure of the organization, making them useful only for on-premises security. On the other hand, since cloud-based IPS runs on a vendor's infrastructure, it can monitor all the network traffic of an organization. This makes it an ideal solution for distributed teams and remote workforces.


Traditional IPS require the organization to add more hardware and software as their business grows, leading to an increase in costs. Cloud-based IPS scales as the organization grows, making it more cost-effective.


Cloud-based IPS and traditional IPS both have their advantages and disadvantages. Organizations have to choose the type of intrusion prevention system that best suits their needs.

Cloud-based IPS provides more scalability, while traditional IPS provides more control over what gets monitored. It's crucial to choose the IPS that aligns best with the organization's security goals.


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